On June 28, Association Noosphere held the unveiling of the Marching to Victory art mosaic in Gagarin Park in Dnipro during the Noosphere STEAM Day educational and entertainment event.

The mosaic is a combination of the work of the famous French artist Julien Malland (who works under the name Seth Globepainter) and talented Ukrainian children. The project was initiated and implemented by Association Noosphere.

Julien Malland is a street artist whose graffiti decorates walls all over the world. In April 2022, in Paris, he created the mural L’Ukraine en marche (Ukraine in action) – an image of a little girl proudly carrying the Ukrainian flag as she tramples enemy tanks. 500 prints of this work were sold to support Ukrainian artists and refugees.

Association Noosphere assembled a mosaic of children’s drawings from the Noosphere Space Art Challenge into the form of Julien’s little girl.. Unfortunately, the competition could not be completed in 2022 due to the war. Instead, the 2,404 paintings submitted by children all around Ukraine became parts of this beautiful, inspiring mosaic. In this way, Seth and Noosphere want to encourage Ukrainian children to dream and create despite everything happening around them.

Opening of the art mosaic started with the Noosphere STEAM Day with interesting educational activities for children and their parents: free workshops in model rocketry and robotics, an astronomy lesson, and STEAM-related arts and crafts. The children also participated in a reproduction of Julien’s street art.
The workshops and lectures were enjoyed by a total of 63 children. 30 attended the space lecture, 16 assembled robots, and 17 designed rockets. The young engineers created 17 rockets and 10 airplanes, built 16 robots, and used them to build 4 towers made of paper cups. 10 children won prizes in a space quiz. All the participants joined in creating a patriotic art mosaic with 900 stickers.
You can view the Marching to Victory mosaic from June 28 to August 31, 2023 in Gagarin Park in Dnipro, as well as online via the link: