Jul 19, 2023

Uniting to nurture a new generation of innovators


The first half of 2023 brought a bevy of new partnerships for Association Noosphere. We have concluded three memorandums of partnership with organizations that develop the latest educational technologies in Ukraine, popularize STEM, and inspire scientific inquiry among young people.

Our memorandum of cooperation with the Ukrainian State Center for Extracurricular Education states that we will build long-term relations for cooperation in creating educational, scientific, social, and cultural programming. Together with USCEE, Noosphere will popularize science and create a modern STEM environment for the development of children and youth in the fields of aerospace technology.

We also concluded a partnership with the Dnipro Polytechnic National Technical University. Our memorandum of cooperation lays out our plans to work with the university on exchanging experience in the educational, scientific, social and cultural spheres, as well as popularizing science and improving young people’s professional development in STEM.

Association Noosphere also formalized  plans for cooperation with the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Center for Scientific and Technical Creativity and Information Technologies for School Youth. Our goal with this partnership is to improve the professional development for Ukrainian children and youth and create favorable conditions for the development of STEM education in Ukraine.

We are very happy that more and more people and organizations are becoming part of our large, motivated community that is changing traditional approaches to education, increasing love of science and technology among children, and raising a new generation who will create the innovative future of Ukraine. We are confident that many more joint projects and initiatives lie ahead.