
Up-to-date news on the Noosphere initiatives

Tag: Noosphere VEX Events

Nov 06, 2024

Mathematical expedition to Mars: Dnipro teenagers learned to build and program hero robots

Over two days, teens aged 12 to 16 gathered to learn how to build and program robots using VEX GO kits.

VEXcode VR Space Maze Challenge
Nov 16, 2023

VEXcode VR Space Maze Challenge: Ukrainian children’s virtual adventures on the International Space Station

The VEXcode VR Space Maze Challenge robotics competition has come to an end. The virtual space mission was organized by the NGO “Association Noosphere”.

VEX Robo Week
Nov 06, 2023

Children in Dnipro create hero robots that save lives and rebuild cities

The VEX RoboWeek 2023 robotics competition took place in Dnipro on October 24 and 26. Participants from Dnipro and other cities learned to design and program a hero robot and use it to compete in performing rescue tasks.

VEX Marathon
Nov 06, 2023

Robotic tour of VEX constructors

Association Noosphere completed the first stage of the VEX Marathon project

VEX VR Art Canvas
May 17, 2023

Ukrainian teenagers created robo-postcards

More than 300 children from all over Ukraine took part in the VEXcode VR Art Canvas competition.