Oct 31, 2020

100 Years of Vladimir Vernadsky’s Noosphere Theory

Vladimir Vernadsky

On October 31, 1920, the scientific and business community gathered at a meeting of the Commission for the Study of Natural Productive Forces of Crimea in Simferopol. Vladimir Vernadsky, who was the Rector of Tavrichesky University that year, also gave a lecture “Science as a geological force” at the meeting. The lecture and ideas presented that day set into motion the development of noosphere theory.  

In “Science as a geological force”, Vernadsky presented to the public for the first time his idea of science as a natural phenomenon. He stated that science is not something abstract, accessible only to a limited circle of people. Like other natural phenomena on the planet – wind, water, sun, earth, etc – science becomes a power that transforms the world around it. It has become the driving force of human evolution. 

“Science is a power that saves humanity, it does not allow it to descend. It is the power that performs the geological works, particularly geochemical ones, which are executed by humanity” – said Vladimir Vernadsky. 

Humans are an essential portion of all living beings. By uniting in a passionary community with all the benefits that science gives us, we are able to improve our environment and create a better world for the future generations. 

Association Noosphere was founded by Max Polyakov in order to promote the use of science, technology and innovation, and to create new ways for these factors to interact. We strive to unite people who share our ideas and follow a theory that transcends planetary thinking and is even more relevant today than before.