Jul 16, 2014

Good Conference Traditions

Noosphere Science and Practice conference

Following our yearly tradition, the Noosphere Summer Science and Practice Conference, moved to another city again this year along with changing the theme for the conference. Held in Lviv, Ukraine, from July, 7th to July, 9th, 2014 the fourth annual Noosphere Conference was divided to knowledge bases and their place in the establishment of the new knowledge economy. The choice to delve into the age-old questions of knowledge was not an accident. As one of our core values is knowledge, we were excited to investigate knowledge bases in all their forms of existence: from electronic to philosophical. This exciting topic gathered together over 100 participants ranging from IT specialists to many recognized European scientists.

The first day, conference participants shared their very practical experiences working with database development and implementation. The second day saw a response from the more theoretical science community with academics from Ukrainian, German and Czech universities presenting philosophical views on knowledge bases and the knowledge economy. The third day brought everyone together to try to merge their approaches at a round table discussion of the knowledge base phenomenon.

Noosphere tries to take advantage of any opportunity to build a dialogue between science and business. Igor Khanin, prominent Ukrainian lecturer and scientist emphasized this in his speech: “Communication about different knowledge types and their synergy is our fundamental principle. It is the basis for advancing the Noosphere forward”.
Traditionally we engaged young specialists into this dialogue. 10 students from all over Ukraine were excited to join us at our Science and Practice Conference. We are measuring this excitement by their references, so check back to read them and to feel it by yourself!