Oct 27, 2017

Max Polyakov becomes FAI Companion of Honour

Polyakov became FAI Companion of Honour

On 22-28, October the 111th FAI General Conference took place in Lausanne, Switzerland. As FAI’s supreme body, the General Conference consists of important delegates, including honored associates and patrons. The conference is held to bring everyone involved in events around the world together and attend to both official matters, and make decisions on the direction the federation will take over the following year. Noosphere Ventures, as an integral part of FAI, namely its global technical partner, was also present at the event.

The conference ran over seven days and consisted of various events, such as FAI Executive Board Meeting, Commission Presidents’ Group Meeting, FAI workshops and discussions, General sessions, the FAI Awards Ceremony and social activities.

During the Workshops and Plenary sessions participants were able to discuss air sports recent developments, anti-doping policies, drone invasion, IT maintenance and many more. Noosphere in turn took a chance to introduce its new eNavigator tool (“e” stands for event and electronic). The solution offers a full cycle event management system that takes care of everything you need to host a sports event from website creation and scheduling to communication with athletes and results tracking.

eNavigator presentationYuriy Letser, eNavigator Coordinator, presents the solution

The most anticipated and remarkable part of 111th FAI GC for Noosphere Ventures was the FAI Awards Ceremony. During the ceremony, Max Polyakov, managing partner of Noosphere Ventures, was nominated by FAI President, Frits Brink, and accepted by the body of the conference as an FAI Companion of Honour. This award is not given out lightly, only in recognition of eminent service rendered to the FAI.

Opening the 2017 FAI Awards CeremonyFrits Brink, FAI President, at the FAI Awards Ceremony. Photo credit: FAI / Marcus King

Opening the ceremony, Frits Brink said to the audience: “The awards ceremony is where we can take time to recognise the people who have done the most, perhaps gone beyond the call of duty, in aviation, space and air sports.”

The award entitles Mr. Polyakov to attend the annual General Conference, which is not open to the public. It is unique opportunity to meet and work more closely with world leaders in air sports that will allow him to make even larger contributions to the field in the future. In addition, as a Companion of Honour, Max Polyakov will be eligible to be elected of the FAI Awards Advisory Group, which make recommendations to the FAI Executive Board concerning the creation, abolition or restructuring of FAI awards.

Upon receiving the title Max Polyakov commented, “We started to work together with FAI years ago and have achieved a lot. This year, Noosphere Ventures became even closer to FAI and serves as its global technical partner. Now it is a great pleasure for me to become the FAI Companion of Honour. I am grateful for their recognition for the contribution we make toward the development of airsports.”

Michael Ryabokon collected the diploma on behalf of Max PolyakovCo-founder of Noosphere Michael Ryabokon collected the diploma on behalf of Max Polyakov. Photo credit: FAI / Marcus King

FAI Companion of Honour DiplomaFAI Companion of Honour Diploma

The cooperation between Noosphere and FAI started nearly 4 years ago. In 2015, Noosphere organized the FAI European Championship for Space Models. The next year, Noosphere hosted FAI World Championship for Space Models 2016. This year Noosphere Ventures became FAI’s Global Technical Partner and Association Noosphere organized the Drone Racing World Cup stage and Championship of Ukraine in the F3U class.