Aug 21, 2015

Rockets in the Sky

Noosphere organized the Yangel Cup

In the lead-up to the 2015 FAI European Championship for Spacemodelling from August 17 to August 20 Lviv was honored to host the Yangel Cup 2015.

This year 5 teams from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia and Ukraine came to compete for the traditional world-stage cup. Along with the Spacemodelling Federation of Ukraine, Noosphere welcomed other 47 participants from all over Europe.

For 4 days rockets in the S4A, S6A, S7, S8E/P, S9A, S1A, S1B classes were soaring over the competition field, confirming once again that ingenuity can overcome gravity.

The achievements of all competitors were celebrated with certificates and medals. The top award, the Yangel Cup, went to Baibikov Sergiy, from Ukraine. Sergiy earned the largest number of points across the different classes. The silver and bronze medals went to Vysotskyi Viktor (Ukrainian) and Lashko Olexandr (Ukrainian) respectively.

Spectacular launches left both participants and spectators with amazing memories that won’t soon be forgotten. But that was just the beginning. There are plenty more breathtaking moments ahead with the 2015 FAI European Championship for Spacemodelling which is following right on the heels of the Yangel Cup. At this very moment the pre-games ceremony is under its way! As a partner of the Ukrainian Spacemodelling Sports Federation, Noosphere strives to make the Competition one of the premier events in amateur rocketry.

We believe that amateur rocketry competitions open the doors to science, technology and engineering. Discovering what lies behind these doors will help people take one more step as they innovate our way into the future.